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Our activities incorporate all areas of the pharmaceutical value chain
Click here to learn moreInnovation is one of the pillars of our strategy. We devoted EUR 48 million to research and development in the 2022/2023 financial year.
Click here to learn moreOur mission: We devote all our knowledge to serve people, enabling them to lead long and healthy lives
The 19th National Congress of Therapists with international participation was held on November 20-22, 2024 in Moscow, which became a key event for the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists. The congress was organized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Russian Medical Scientific Society of Therapists. Egis, acting as one of the General Sponsors, organized three satellite symposia dedicated to healthcare issues: iron deficiency, anxiety disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and hyperuricemia.
26 November, is Iron Deficiency Day is essencial reminder of the global scale of the iron deficiency and the need for a comprehensive approach to its solution. Epidemiological research data from the ˝Ferritin-2023˝ study, along with previous studies (˝Tynezheleznaya-2021˝ and ˝Ferritin-2022˝) conducted by Egis, demonstrate a high prevalence of iron deficiency among women of reproductive age (from 66% to 76%)[1]. These data underscore the urgent need to intensify efforts in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of iron deficiency.
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