Corporate Social Responsibility
Tue, Dec 29, 2020 11:45 AM
Author: Elena Bershadskaya

Egis became the prize-winner of the “Development of regions. Best for Russia" Program

The series of educational webinars “Let's Talk About Women” received the highest award of the “Development of Regions. Best for Russia" in the category “Social Projects and Sustainable Development".
Corporate Social Responsibility

Egis became the prize-winner of the “Development of regions. Best for Russia" Program

The series of educational webinars “Let's Talk About Women” received the highest award of the “Development of Regions. Best for Russia" in the category “Social Projects and Sustainable Development".
Tue, Dec 29, 2020 11:45 AM
Elena Bershadskaya
Tue, Dec 29, 2020 11:45 AM
Author: Elena Bershadskaya

The task of the competition is to systematize and disseminate information about the leaders of their industries, which in the future should contribute to the development of the country's economy. This year, more than 140 programs and initiatives from more than 20 categories have applied for the award.

The “Let's Talk About Women” project was launched in the summer of 2020, at a time when all medical and pharmaceutical workers were at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus infection and other serious illnesses. Since the majority (about 90%) of the staff of pharmacies are women, Egis-Russia decided to take care of their health by launching a series of educational webinars for them with the participation of leading specialists from various fields of medicine. This format has allowed pharmacists take care of their health, maintain their beauty and remain energetic even during periods of high stress. The project was also intended to increase professional knowledge about specific nosologies, so that the pharmacists  could provide competent advice and prevent possible mistakes in recommendations in their daily work.

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